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Have fun with the quirky elements! With Kristin Corrigan

Last Wednesday, on our Woman Crush Wednesday series, we had the opportunity to sit down and chat with the BRILLIANT Kristin Corrigan.

Kristin owns her own business as an event planner and interior stylist. She shared with us, in our talk, that she is just starting her journey as an independent stylist, but it was easy for us to see in our brief conversation with her that she has several years of experience and expertise in the field. She began her career working in the hotel industry and immediately developed a passion for planning and styling events. Her personal business is broken up into three distinct parts weddings/events, residential interior styling and prop styling/photo shoots. A former New England resident, she and her husband currently live in the Washington DC area, which is where she focuses most of her work for her design clients.

A little bit of luck and fate brought the two of them to DC and they couldn’t be more thrilled and happy with their decision to try something new; they landed exactly where they are supposed to be right now. They now own what she describes as a quirky house that originally had a little, or maybe a lot, of “Miami Vice” style to it.

Kristin is so genuine. When you speak with her it’s like you have known her for years. We instantly felt a connection to her and are ready to run to DC for a simple event of wine and cheese in her beautiful home that she designed. Looking at all of her pictures of her house, on her website or Instagram page, you may forget for a moment that you are not just browsing someone’s Pinterest boards and this is her actual home! She talked to us that night about finding pieces that you already love that you can incorporate into the space. If your child made a piece of pottery that you adore, use it, it make it work for you; make it a character piece.

Since Kristin is in the initial stages of embarking on her journey as an independent business owner, we asked her what advice she had for others who were thinking about traveling down the same path. She shared, that you need to network and build relationships in the industries you are interested in. It is truly your connections and relationships will open doors for you as you try to go out on this new path. And as hard as it may be don’t be shy to ask for what you want. You have to be ok with putting yourself out there, and you honestly may be surprised what you can get by just asking for it. She is human though and of course recognizes that with all this advice of course there is fear that comes with any new risk.

She accepts that there have been a few embarrassing moments along the way where she didn’t do everything right thing, but understands just like anything new it’s a huge learning curve that will hopefully never stop. She tries to keep herself grounded by focusing and celebrating where she is at in her journey and uses the quote, “Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle”.

To learn more about Kristin’s work, her adorable story of what brought her to DC, or her personal renovation on her quirky home you can watch/replay her episode on our YouTube Channel here. You can also check her out on her own personal links below for more information on how to connect with her.


Instagram: @kristin_corrigan

Hashtags: #kristincorriganstyling, #dcpropstylist

She was also recently featured on The Everygirl ( ) and Style Me Pretty Living ( ) blogs

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Shawna & Renee